Enrolment options
The aim of this course is to upskill healthcare professionals using evidence-based guidelines and latest research findings to effectively manage people with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease in order to improve their quality of care and outcomes.
The course is structured in three modules, each of which contains a discussion of a clinical case, bibliographical references on the subject and an infographic that covers the key aspects of the topic. There will also be a pre-test to be taken before the start of each topic and a post-test after the end of the topic.
Learning objectives
- To name screening methods for CKD in PC
- To discuss clinical presentations of CKD (virtual case based)
- To discuss the impact of diabetes on the kidney
- To discuss the role of RAAS-I and SLGT2-Is in diabetes kidney disease
- To review future considerations for the management of diabetic nephropathy beyond RAAS and SGLT2-Is
Course content
- Module 1 - Pre-test
- Module 1 - Masterclass - Dr. Waqas Tahir & Dr. Pinar Topsever
- Infographic 01
- Module 1 - References
- Module 1. Test
- Module 2. Pre-test
- Module 2 - Masterclass - Dr. Samuel Seidu & Dr. Xavier Cos
- Module 2 - References
- Infographic 02
- Module 2. Test
- Module 3. Pre-test
- Module 3 - Masterclss - Dr. Samuel Seidu & Dr. Baruch Itzhak
- Module 3 - References
- Infographic 03
- Module 3. Test
On this module, you will access to the course certificate & EACCME® participant's evaluation form.
- Teacher: Xavier Cos
- Teacher: Baruch Itzhak
- Teacher: Samuel Seidu
- Teacher: Pinar Topsever