PCDE Privacy Policy
PCDE Legal Notice

1. General
1.1. This is the Privacy Policy of Primary Care Diabetes Europe, international non-profit organisation under Belgian law, with registered office at Bredestraat 79, 2180 Antwerp, Belgium, registered in the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises with nr. 0871.319.821 (hereafter “PCDE”).
1.2. The main purpose of PCDE is to:
• Strive for optimum diabetes management, based on scientific evidence;
• Support collaboration in primary care among all professionals involved in diabetes care;
• Set up and coordinate networks for the promotion of research into optimum primary diabetes care, in conjunction with other organisations or otherwise.
Thereto, it organises a number of activities, including organising (annual) conferences, webinars and seminars, publishing newsletters, strengthening relations, fundraising, for/with centres/organisations/professionals active in the field of primary diabetes care in Europe and other key stakeholders.
1.3. PCDE is responsible for processing your personal data which it receives when you share your personal data or those of someone else (f.e. through the website, by e-mail or personal contact) (“Personal Data”).
1.4. This Privacy Policy is offered to you electronically and is always accessible under the header “Privacy Policy” on the website of PCDE: www.pcdeurope.org (“Website”).
1.5. With this Privacy Policy, PCDE informs every person whose Personal Data are processed. It can be amended by PCDE at any time. Therefore, you are advised to consult it regularly. The amended Privacy Policy will be published on the Website and automatically enters into force on that date. This privacy policy was last updated on .
1.6. Topics:
• Purpose (Why do we process your Personal Data?)
• Legal grounds and application
• What Personal Data do we collect?
• Transfer to third parties
• How do we collect your Personal Data?
• How do we store your Personal Data?
• What are your Personal Data protection rights?
• Privacy policies of other websites
• Applicable law and competent court
• How to contact us
2. Legal framework
2.1. This Privacy Policy is subject to the regulation on the protection of Personal Data such as:
2.1.1. the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/E
2.1.2. all other applicable regulations on the protection of privacy and the processing of personal data, (together or separately referred to as “Privacy legislation”).
3. Purpose
3.1. PCDE processes the Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy legislation and this Privacy Policy, in order to:
3.1.1. perform its activities as described in article 1.2;
3.1.2. manage a (potential) contractual relationship with you and providing services in the framework of this (potential) relationship;
3.1.3. comply with its legal obligations;
3.1.4. optimize its range of services and offer or deliver services and to inform you about this;
3.1.5. provide direct marketing concerning its activities, such as updates, newsletters, information leaflets, e-mails, invitations to events, marketing materials and other information about PCDE (such as its activities and developments) and other players which could be interesting or useful;
3.1.6. assign subcontractors and contract parties of PCDE for the execution of the previous items;
3.1.7. comply with the applicable rules; (hereafter together or singularly referred to as the “Purpose”.)
4. Legal grounds and application
4.1. PCDE relies on the following legal grounds to process your Personal Data:
4.1.1. the voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous consent given by you or in your name for the concerned person to PCDE, its partners (f.e. subcontractors or contract parties) to process the Personal Data. This consent can be given in any possible way, such as but not limited to: by letter, e-mail, online or offline consent form, link or registration, or orally; and/or
4.1.2. an agreement which you closed with PCDE on the access to and/or the use of the Website and/or the information thereon and the relating services;
4.1.3. a legal obligation of PCDE; and/or
4.1.4. a legitimate interest of PCDE.
5. What Personal Data do we collect?
5.1. PCDE can request, collect and process Personal Data which:
5.1.1. could be useful for fulfilling the Purpose, such as name, surname, date of birth, sex, address, e-mail address, telephone number, preference of language, copy of power of attorney for representing your organisation, bank account number, professional interests and preferences, resume (cv), internet protocol (IP) address, other information provided to PCDE and cookies. You can find more information on the use of cookies on the Website in the cookie policy of PCDE. Also, your user data of the Website are preserved.
5.1.2. are collected in the framework of the activities of PCDE such as provided in article 1.2.
5.2. You warrant that you are entitled (on behalf of the person concerned) to transfer his/her Personal Data to PCDE, f.e. of you, your employees, partners… You warrant that, as far as necessary, you obtained the required consent for the abovementioned transfer of Personal Data and that you will safeguard and indemnify PCDE for every claim for damages in this respect.
5.3. You warrant by agreeing with this Privacy Policy that the Personal Data which you provide are correct and complete.
5.4. You are aware that every violation of this provision will be considered as a serious fault.
5.5. The use of false identities, incomplete or inaccurate data, or data that belongs to third parties who have not given you their consent to use it, may lead to you being denied access to the Website, either temporarily or permanently.
6. Transfer to third parties
6.1. PCDE can transfer the Personal Data to subcontractors or partners to execute certain processing activities (for example hosting the website, other ICT purposes).
6.2. PCDE guarantees that it will not transfer Personal Data to other third parties than those referred to in article 6.1 unless:
6.2.1. It is legally obliged to transfer the Personal data;
6.2.2. PCDE has a legitimate interest.
6.3. The third parties to which PCDE on the basis of abovementioned categories is entitled or obliged to transfer Personal Data, are established within or outside the European Union. The obtained Personal Data can thus also be transferred to companies or institutions in non-EU countries. PCDE is in the framework of transferring Personal Data not responsible and cannot be held accountable for the further processing of the Personal Data by third parties, other than the processors for PCDE.
7. How do we collect your Personal Data?
7.1. You directly provide PCDE with the Personal Data we request.
7.2. We collect and process Personal Data when you use the Website.
8. How do we store your Personal Data?
8.1. PCDE securely stores your data within PCDE’s secure website administration site.
8.2. PCDE commits to the best of its ability to (have) take all reasonable measures to ensure the protection of Personal Data against loss, destruction, alteration or unauthorized access via technical safety regulations and an adequate security policy.
8.3. PCDE stores the Personal Data and uses those in correspondence with this Privacy Policy and the Privacy legislation for as long as it is necessary to achieve the Purpose. If the Purpose is achieved, it will delete the Personal Data.
8.4. PCDE can only be held liable for damage arising out of the processing of Personal Data as a consequence of fault or carelessness of PCDE. In no case, PCDE can be held liable (i) in case of force majeure, (ii) for indirect damage or consequential damage, (iii) for any damage arising out of faults, failing or negligence of you or third parties other than the processors of PCDE.
8.5. You acknowledge and accept that the forwarding and storage of Personal Data is never without risk and therefore that the damage that you or the person concerned would suffer due to unauthorized use of Personal Data by third parties can never be recovered from PCDE.
8.6. If you are aware that a data breach has occurred, you must notify PCDE immediately by e-mail at .
9. What are your Personal Data protection rights?
9.1. PCDE would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your Personal Data protection rights. Everyone has the following legal rights, free of charge, in relation to the Personal Data relating to them:
9.1.1. The right to access – You have the right to request PCDE for copies of your Personal Data.
9.1.2. The right to rectification – You have the right to request that PCDE corrects any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request PCDE to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
9.1.3. The right to erasure – You have the right to request that PCDE erases your Personal Data, in case: they are no longer required to achieve the Purpose; the consent is withdrawn and there is no other legal basis for the processing of the Personal Data; objection is made and there is no other legal basis for the processing of the Personal Data; the Personal Data are processed irregularly; of a legal obligation to delete the Personal Data.
9.1.4. The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that PCDE restricts the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
9.1.5. The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to PCDE’s processing of your Personal Data, under certain conditions. In the framework of direct marketing, you can at all times and free of charge object to the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing. This implies amongst other things that you can always unsubscribe from newsletters, promotional mailings or personalized ads so that PCDE can no longer send those;
9.1.6. The right to data portability – You have the right to request that PCDE transfers the Personal Data that we have collected to another third party (organization), or directly to you, under certain conditions.
9.1.7. The right to file a complaint – You are entitled to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (“Commission for the Protection of Privacy” or “Privacy Commission”) in case you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is contrary to the Privacy legislation.
9.2. For exercising the abovementioned rights and for further questions you can address a written, dated and signed application to PCDE by e-mail: . We will revert to you within one month. Please note that the exercise of your rights as mentioned above depends on the requirements and conditions as determined in the Privacy legislation.
10. Privacy policies of other websites
10.1. This Privacy Policy is valid for all pages of the Website. However, it does not apply to services, activities, or products of third parties, including websites or applications, to which is referred on our Website, f.e. through hyperlinks. For this, you should revert to the privacy policies applicable thereto.
11. Applicable law and competent court
11.1. By acquiring access to the Website, you are accepting that all matters between you and PCDE relating to this Website, including privacy issues, will be exclusively governed by Belgian law.
11.2. The Antwerp courts shall have sole jurisdiction to hear any dispute in connection with this Website, to the exclusion of any other court.
12. How to contact us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the Personal Data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your Personal Data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Email us at: info@pcdecampus.org