Best teachers

Best teachers

Our courses are taught by the best professionals in Europe specialised in the management and treatment of diabetes.


PCDE Campus is developed to be accessed from different devices, as it is fully responsive.


The courses have contents designed to make learning easier and more attractive.
Unlimited Access

Unlimited Access

You will be able to access the courses at any time, without time constraints and you will be able to develop the course at your own pace.


PCDE exists to provide a focal point for primary care clinicians and their patients. Its purpose is to promote high standards of care throughout Europe. Emphasis is placed on incorporating evidence based medicine into daily practice as well as promoting diabetes education and research in primary care.


The association is a non-profit organisation with a scientific goal and aims at pursuing the following objectives:
  • to maintain annual or bi-annual conferences, either stand alone or in conjunction with other groups
  • to encourage implementation of primary care guidelines in every European Country
  • to provide a newsletter and to develop information systems for members
  • to encourage multi-disciplinary approach to training, service development and quality improvement
  • to establish a network of active contacts in Primary Care Diabetes in Europe
  • to develop closer relationships with other groups working in the field of primary care and diabetes
  • to become the voice of Primary Care Diabetes in Europe
  • to explore a variety of funding avenues
Última modificación: jueves, 16 de junio de 2022, 09:41